© 2019 Dr. D.C. Sarile
© 2019 Dr. D.C. Sarile
© 2025 Dr. D.C. Sarile
Booking an Appointment For Existing Patients
To book an appointment with Dr.Sarile you can request to book your appointment by calling, texting 24/7 Dr.Sarile's office at 647.461.5691,
Please note to update any of your e-mail, phone number, address, pharmacy info, OHIP version code, next of kin, etc, using our office text message service 24/7.
Please include in your call or text:
1. Your Full Name
2. The reason for booking your medical appointment:
3. Specify the type of appointment;
A) Diabetic
B) Annual Physical Exam
C) Consult
D) Regular or follow-up, In-person or Virtual Appointment,
Please note that you can only present one or two medical
concerns per appointment
E) Forms /Insurances
F) Letters for going back to work or school
G) Pre-Op
4. Specify preferred day and time for booking your appointment
5. Please note upon booking your appointment, you will receive a secure email with questionnaires pertaining to your condition or symptoms. Please these questionnaires must be completed in order to serve you accordingly.
6. Please note upon your virtual phone call appointment time, the doctor will call you private call or unknown caller or no caller ID, please make sure to accept the doctor's private call at your appointment time. For further information of how to turn off your privacy settings in your phone please contact your phone provider.
7. Finally, it is your responsibility to ensure you are somewhere appropriate at the time of your virtual visit. (private and secure, e.g. not driving, not in a crowded places, etc.).
Note: Phone calls may come from a blocked or unknown number, please ensure you answer the call. While we work hard to be on time for all appointments, it is possible that your call may come up to 90 minutes after your appointment time. Please do not call the clinic until at least 90 minutes past your appointment time if you haven’t heard from your physician.
Upon Visiting Our Medical Office Patients Must Comply with the Following Protocols:
A Health Canada Certified & Approved Masks will be provided and must be worn.
Foot covers will be provided, shoes must be left on the shoe tray outside the office.
Your personal items, purse, cell phone, wallet, keys, will be disinfected before entering.
Your temperature will be taken.
No drinks or food are allowed.
Patients must not bring their children to the appointment.
Patients with COVID symptoms are not allowed in the office, please stay home until you get better.
You may be asked to remain in the lobby while waiting for your appointment .
Please bring your OHIP card (Ontario Health Insurance Plan). Make sure your Health Card is valid by checking the expiration date: if it has expired please renew it by contacting Service Ontario at
H) Vaccine or Injection
I) Pap Test
J) Cancer Care
K) Counselling
L) Obesity Consult
M) Mental Health
N) Chronic Pain
O) Other Medical Concerns